

Twitter, FB, WhatsApp, Insta and Snapchat and many more... For few past years these have been the La Dida Lands of our generation.  Where everyone is ready to show off the success or how they won, but no one is coming up with the toils that they had faced to turn the failures into✌.  Neither they would tell you number of attempts they made to make something happen. But our ancient texts reveal or teach us how the failures have been the stepping stones or the foundation of the success.  All the more if we look back at our sacred texts or the books from intellects where everything was written for once and all. Call it Upanishads, Puranas or Vedas .  Nothing tends to be trending and no one believed to be the trend setter. The one who does good for mankind tends to become tycoon for his /her deeds and crowd followed the works, may be the person too, at times.  We belong to such a subtle culture which has everything to teach us And as a teaching faculty I would say I...

ancestral ❤still❤ idiosyncratic

Hey mommy!!! My teacher told me tomorrow is mother's day. ... why tomorrow is yours... It's Sunday tomorrow... n we gonna binge play badminton.. that's all...yu promised last week... this all I uttered at the age of 8....  When I had no clue what mother's Day all about . . . . But at 12 I vehemently remember, was the day when things initiated turning out well in mind.... Now I know that a mother takes birth with the birth of her child  ... And so was mine... I was her first apple pie... Started growing up and became more n more timid... I guess here in my case  like mother like daughter suits well.... In the process of being human I learnt many virtues in my mother's knees... Coherence, benevolence n many others.... Lemme share this with you... She's still the way she was.....but me... Ahhhh.... I'm not the same You know ....experience is the mother of wisdom... Now the mind and wisdom got a buffet.... KG to school goer to colleger....attended all... ...

curriculum out of the school

Kids in a classroom!!! Ahhh... Many of you would reply-A zoo where every animal is out of the cage .... Yes, probably it would be because of all hyperactive  kids sharing the same platform. In which the instructor needs to be more precise and vibrant to tackle the needs of every child present right in front of your eyes and the same needs to make sure to pour the ocean of knowledge by dribs and drabs...   In our times,  when we're kids, was entirely different where the traditional teacher always had my way or highway approach. And pity we(with a wink in eye) used to follow every instruction because of the carrot stick in teacher's hands.  Not only professors, but also the parents, playing equal role in manipulation. And we have to be prepared for every single mark cut from our weekly assessments.  Atoms of classroom As being a teacher of this era, one should be knowing the right way to cater the need of the kids (or how to channelise the energies in right d...

A fish without water

There are many stories we read but this is a true story or I would say my life which I lived like a fish without having water. Where water is my life and fish is me. Short story, no worry....  No.........not actually... Cutting long story short.. Will leave you in bafflement because of FOM events... Rather the most significant ones...  Remain buried in your heart how the fish tried to come out itself... But in first attempt couldn't do so . .. Longing to go out of waters...  But actually it doesn't know going out of waters means landing itself into hot waters... Where she'll be no more itself... But has to act like others... Have to climb up the one cares out there for how you do it... But have to do it similar manner... Ditto way..  Story may leave youuuu... Out of colour but it's a true scenerio of the life of every daughter...